Dear Friends of Agora,
We are excited to announce a new website: Deep Philosophy (, a sister-website of Agora. It is directed by Ran Lahav and the Deep Philosophy Group. Please visit us!
For years now Agora has been presenting to you wonderful “gems” of philosophical thinking. In Deep Philosophy we use those test for contemplation, in the togetherness of a group.
The Deep Philosophy Group is delighted to invite all of you to a special experience of contemplating in togetherness on some great philosophical texts from Agora (see ):
1) ONLINE SESSIONS OF PHILOSOPHICAL CONTEMPLATION: Fridays with Ran (“Philosophies of the higher self”), Saturdays with Kirill (Philosophies of the Other Person”), at 6:00 pm, Italy time, starting January 24.
2) INTERNATIONAL RETREAT OF CONTEMPLATIVE PHILOSOPHY: Florence, Italy, March 17-23. Come for 2-6 days for intense quiet contemplation on basic life-issues, in the togetherness of a group.
No philosophical background is needed – anyone who want to reflect on life is invited!
For details about those events, see the “Events” page of the new Deep Philosophy website:
For questions, write to Ran Lahav, or to the Deep Philosophy Group (
We look forward to hearing from all,
Ran and the DP Group