• Dom. Dic 22nd, 2024

Philo Practice

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  • 1. Why philosophical companionships?

1. Why philosophical companionships?

Since its birth in the early 1980s, the philosophical practice movement has been dominated by two main formats: First, one-on-one…

7. Opening philosophical cafés with a talk

There are many different ways to open a philosophical café: pose a question, give a talk, read a philosophical quote.…

6. Thought and Poetry in Philosophical Practice

I would like to add some reflections to the string Philosophical Practice and Canonical Texts initiated by Manos Perrakis. Perrakis…

6. The philosopher listens to the participants

Because of a family gathering, we had to arrive late at our philosophical café several weeks ago. A philosopher friend…

2. What philosophical practice and counseling are not

How often are you asked to explain what philosophical practice is? Generally, just after I’ve introduced myself, people wonder what…

9. Is there anything wrong with methods?

Some philosophical practitioners are against methods. This might seem strange. After all, many important philosophers had methods: Aristotle’s syllogistic method,…

4. Emily Dickinson’s Epistolary Poetics and Philosophical Practice

The practice of letter-writing has a long history in philosophy. A key-text of the Hellenistic tradition is Epicure’s famous Letter…

16. Is philosophical practice philosophy or something else?

Let us take a step further starting from what has been said previously and trying to define the core of…

5. “Ideal participants” in philosophical practice

Last evening at the philosophical café we dealt with the issue of time. I decided to change the dynamic in…

3. Philosophy and Poetry

Philosophy and poetry have a common origin: the wonder at the presence of things. Philosophy distinguishes itself from poetry in…

4. The format of companionship groups

Philosophical ideas have a tremendous power to inspire us and awaken us, but they need a space in our hearts…

4. The motivation behind arguments

This evening, the issue at the philosophical café was Heidegger and his Black Notebooks. One participant stated with great passion…