1. Is love beyond language?
Before trying to suggest an answer, let us reflect on this: the word “love” indicates no specific object (as a…
Instructions for submission: A Reflection must be an original text of approximately 100-400 words, preferably in English but possibly in…
Ida Jongsma: Interview and comments
VIDEO: Interview with Ida Jongsma, a pioneer of the Dutch Philosophical Practice movement.
Helen Douglas: Interview and comments
VIDEO: Interview with Helen DouglasThe Ethics and Politics of Life: the first philosophical counseling session
Eli Eilon – Reflecting on Albert Camus in Philosophical Counseling
VIDEO: Interview with Eli EilonReflecting on Albert Camus in Philosophical Counseling.Eli Eilon is an Israeli philosophical practitioner living and working…
Eckart Ruschmann – Philosophical Counseling and Worldview Exploration
VIDEO:Interview with Eckart RuschmannPhilosophical Counseling and Worldview ExplorationEckart Ruschmann is a philosophical practitioner and psychologist living in Bregenz, Austria, and…
Dries Boele – Philosophy as the art of living
VIDEO: Interview with Dries BoelePhilosophy as the art of living. Dries Boele is a Dutch philosophical practitioner, working with individuals…
Detlef Staude: Interview and comments
VIDEO: Interview with Detlef StaudeThe adventure of searching for orientation in doing philosophyDetlef Staude is a philosophical practitioner living and…
Britta Ryschka: Interview and comments
VIDEO: Interview with Britta RyschkaSeparating the ropes: the first philosophical counseling session
TOPICS FOR INTERVIEW (A list in development) Each interviewee will chose from this list 1-2 topics to talk about GROUP…
Our Interviewees so far
OUR INTERVIEWEES SO FAR: Lydia Amir (Israel) José Barrientos (Spain) Carlo Basili (Italy) Heidi Bennent-Vahle (Germany) Martina Bernasconi (Switzerland) Dries…
Η διαδικτυακή ιστοσελίδα The Philosophical Practice Agora
H φιλοσοφική πρακτική αποτελεί μια διεθνή κίνηση φιλοσόφων που πιστεύουν ότι η φιλοσοφία σχετίζεται άμεσα με την καθημερινή ζωή. Οι…