I am delighted to announce the publication of my new book: DON’T GO ABROAD, GO WITHIN: VITRIOLUM.”
Just a new book?
This book stems from not knowing. It springs from being tired of my job, from the need to sleep and from a dark night. When you wake up sad and feel that there is an ocean of sadness around you, writing seems the only option.
This book starts from very practical questions and from those interpretations that lead us to act and feel better. Because, when you learn to see the world upside down you are also broadening your horizon.
This book travels into delusion, through illusion to get a grasp of objectivity.
Just sit back and enjoy, if you can, this innermost travelling.
(Available on Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SR1PW3C)
Here is an excerpt:
“I started this piece with a sense of failure and sadness. I am ending it with a sense of achievement and joy. The fact is we are post-modern people, or I think I am, and consciousness is the key to our existence. We are not isolated rocks but interconnected beings. The ‘I’ is now the quantum model, not the Bohr model. The atom is not isolated but a flux of vibrations for ever changing, there aren’t a few single elements but a complex network of particles which have not a definite visible structure. What we see as what we are is just a superior level of “condensation”. We are like water. We are water and vibrations. But this is matter for another article. This is matter for a complex description and explanation which requires a more in depth listening of the Being.
For those who need a more practical conclusion, it is useful to know that, by going through the above in writing, the mood has changed, the day has changed, the energy level has moved to enthusiasm for life and joy. A sense of enhanced power is now the key of this hour.
This approach seem so personal and private, those experiences so limited to my own life; but are they just that? I don’ think so. For someone else other than me reading this can have the sense of someone pointing to a path. I am walking the path in front of you so that you can see what I see and maybe decide that this is right for you as well. It shows that no matter how private our experience is, it concerns us all as beings in this world. The existence is personal and public at the same time. It is mine but yours as well: we share the fact of being all immersed in the same Being which can speak to me as it can speak to you trough me and to me through yours.
The same happens for our body which is also what we are: consciousness and body are not separate entities and when I listen to the first the second is involved; when I am in pain my body is talking to me, when I am said the body is listening and becomes unable to function. There isn’t a really clear-cut separation between the two. My experience is a whole or it is not. My life, as it is yours, must be understood as wholeness, it is the dialog, the constant back and forward communication, between the whole and the part that creates the meaning of OUR life, not just mine. When I process my individual experience in this sense, it becomes yours. That experience does not happens for me but for us all.”
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