You are invited to participate in the online contemplation sessions of the Deep Philosophy Group! No background is needed – all are invited!
For more details, see
“Wait a minute – Deep Philosophy? Contemplation online? What do you mean?”
If had to define what we do in Deep Philosophy, I would say: We reflect on life from our inner depth, in togetherness with our companions and with historical philosophical texts.
This brief definition tells us that Deep Philosophy is a kind of philosophy, because it explores the foundation of our life and our reality, just like all philosophers throughout history.
But it also tells us that in Deep Philosophy we think in a special way – we CONTEMPLATE. When you contemplate, you think not from your intellectual mind, not from your opinions, but from deep inside, from the point of silence and listening which is your “inner depth.”
Third, this definition also tells us that Deep Philosophy is a group activity. We practice it in small groups of 5-15 people who meet online or face-to-face for sessions of about 1-2 hours. We resonate with each other like musicians improvising in togetherness, and we create together a philosophical polyphony.
Fourth, this definition tells us that in Deep Philosophy we relate to the “voices” of historical thinkers. Thinking about life never starts from zero. When we contemplate on historical texts we participate in the great human chorus.
And why practice Deep Philosophy?
Because we want to touch the foundation of our human reality, and be touched by it. We want to be like waves in the ocean of human reality. Philosophical contemplation is a deep experience.
“And you do all this online?”
Yes, in weekly meetings on Skype or Zoom. All are invited, and no background is required. Come and try to contemplate with us!
For more details, see