• Dom. Dic 22nd, 2024

Mes: Septiembre, 2020

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The synecdoche, Me – a philosophical dream

The synecdoche, Me – a philosophical dream In this short article I will show you how, starting from a dream,…

Agora contribution 1 30/10/2017

Dramatic representations have long been conceived as provocations for philosophical engagement. From Plato and Hypatia through Brecht and Sartre, Beauvoir…

Plotinus: The shock of returning to the material world

Plotinus: The shock of returning to the material world   Plotinus (about 204-270 AD), was a major ancient philosopher who…

La filosofia fa ancora paura?

Convegno di Berlino, Ottobre 2017[Sezione Italiana] La filosofia fa ancora paura? [Estratto] L’insegnamento illuministico di Kant si potrebbe riassumere così:…

The Poisoned Arrow: Why the answer is not always the solution

The Poisoned Arrow: Why the answer is not always the solution “Do we always have to know the cause of…


Dear colleagues, Greetings!Today we contact you to send you the complete call of the 15th International Conference of Philosophical Practice…


In the last day of our philosophical-contemplative retreat in Brando, near Torino in Italy (August-September 2017), only six of us…

The chemical alteration of the brain.

[Maurizio Bisogno – introduction, second revision, 0817] Why do most humans use substances that alter their state of the mind?…

Manual de Companionships Filosóficos

Manual de Companionships Filosófico Un “companionship” filosófico comprende un grupo de personas, filósofos y no-filósofos, que se encuentran en línea…

Cheol-hak Chin-gyo

Cheol-hak Chin-gyo (2017)Korean: Handbook of Philosophical Companionship A philosophical companionship is a group of people who meet online or face-to-face…


РУКОВОДСТВО ПО ФИЛОСОФСКОМУ ПАРТНЕРСТВУ Знаменитая аллегория Платона о пещере учит нас, что философия может существенно трансформировать и возвысить нашу жизнь.…

Handbuch für Philosophische Kameradschaften

Handbuch für Philosophische Kameradschaften Eine philosophische Kameradschaft ist eine Gruppe von Menschen, Philosophen oder Nicht-Philosophen, die sich online oder von…