Stay Curious, Remain Humble and Think in Three-Dimensions – A Confucian Approach to Philosophical Counseling
How can perspectives from Asian philosophy be integrated into philosophical practice? In this and subsequent blog posts I will explore…
LETTING OUR BABY-IDEAS GROW For several days, Miranda continues thinking about the insight she had while contemplating on Bergson’s text.…
Sophia returns to philosophy
Sophia is sitting in the kitchen preparing a cup of coffee after work. Today again she talked to her friend…
Miranda and her Philosophical Trio (Chapter 3)
Chapter 3: MIRANDA DECIDES TO CHANGE In the morning, after breakfast, Miranda sits in her armchair, holding a page in…
Philosophy is not about truth (John Powys)
For me, philosophy is not about discovering THE TRUTH. Philosophy is about giving voice to the many different voices of…
Miranda and her Philosophical Trio (Chapter 2)
It’s the second weekly meeting of the Philosophical Trio, and Miranda is glad to see again her two new companions.…
Miranda and her Philosophical Trio (Chapter 1)
Miranda is sitting alone in her room, holding the philosophical text which her philosophical practitioner had given her. Today, like…
Marcel in Philosophical Practice: a proposal
How can we use the ideas of a philosopher as a starting point for our own thoughts? In the spirit…
Precious texts on Agora
I look at Agora’s “Topics” section – it has so many beautiful philosophical texts from 2500 years of Western philosophy.…
Do good arguments lead to good actions?
Is it possible that also our feeling of what is right and wrong is part of our animality? In this…
Esposto non esibito
L’esibizionismo del nostro tempo è soltanto una pallida imitazione, una deformazione, una perversione della naturale condizione esposta dell’uomo. La messa…
Why is “Deep” so important?
In my book Handbook of Philosophical Companionships (2016), I say: “We contemplate because we treasure profound ideas and profound understandings…