Philosophical Practice and Canonical Texts
To sing or not to sing? The literature of philosophical practice contains astonishingly spare entrances on the issue of a canon…
Is love beyond language?
Before trying to suggest an answer, let us reflect on this: the word "love" indicates no specific object (as a…
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Detlef Staude: Philosophieren als Abenteuer der Orientierung
VIDEO: Detlef StaudePhilosophieren als Abenteuer der OrientierungDetlef Staude ist ein philosophischer Praktiker, der in Bern / Schweiz lebt und seine…
Pia Houni – Group Discussions as an Open Space
VIDEO: Pia HouniGroup Discussions as an Open SpacePia Houni is a philosophical practitioner in Finland. She is interested in spiritual exercises,…
Carmen Zavala – Philosophical and political practice
VIDEO: Carmen ZavalaPhilosophical and political practiceCarmen Zavala has a PhD in Philosophy. She has co-organized, and participated in various projects of…
Jost Freese – Procedures and rules in the Philo-Cafe
VIDEO: Jost FreeseProcedures and rules in the Philo-CafeJost Guido Freese is a German philosophical practitioner, working in Neuss and Dusseldorf,…
Theodor Paleologu – School for well-rounded personalities
VIDEO: Theodor PaleologuSchool for well-rounded personalitiesTheodor Paleologu is a Romanian philosopher and parliament member. He has a school at home,…
Miram van Reijen – A stoic approach to emotions
VIDEO: Miram van ReijenA stoic approach to emotionsMiriam van Reijen, a Dutch philosophical practitioner since about 1980, works on emotions with…
Chiara Zanella – Philosophizing About Life
VIDEO: Chiara Zanella Philosophizing About Life Chiara Zanella is an Italian philosophical practitioner, and is currently the president of Phronesis, the…
Ora Gruengard: Hamlet and the Human Condition
VIDEO: Ora Gruengard Hamlet and the Human Condition Dr. Ora Gruengard has been practicing in Israel various forms of philosophical…