Jerome Lecoq -Traditional philosophers in the session
VIDEO: Jerome LecoqTraditional philosophers in the sessionJerome Lecoq is a French philosophical practitioner (PhD in philosophy), who has written the first…
Ferdinand Garoff – Existential issues with trauma victims
VIDEO: Ferdinand GaroffExistential issues with trauma victimsFerdinand Garoff is a psychologist from Finland, working with crisis, trauma, and humanitarian work.…
Thomas Gutknecht – Thinking with others
VIDEO: Thomas Gutknecht Thinking with others [spvideo][/spvideo] Thomas Gutknecht is a German philosophical practitioner. In addition to lecturing, he…
Chiara Zanella – Philosophizing About Life
VIDEO: Chiara Zanella Philosophizing About Life Chiara Zanella is an Italian philosophical practitioner, and is currently the president of Phronesis, the…
Miram van Reijen – A stoic approach to emotions
VIDEO: Miram van ReijenA stoic approach to emotionsMiriam van Reijen, a Dutch philosophical practitioner since about 1980, works on emotions with…
Theodor Paleologu – School for well-rounded personalities
VIDEO: Theodor PaleologuSchool for well-rounded personalitiesTheodor Paleologu is a Romanian philosopher and parliament member. He has a school at home,…
Jost Freese – Procedures and rules in the Philo-Cafe
VIDEO: Jost FreeseProcedures and rules in the Philo-CafeJost Guido Freese is a German philosophical practitioner, working in Neuss and Dusseldorf,…
Pia Houni – Group Discussions as an Open Space
VIDEO: Pia HouniGroup Discussions as an Open SpacePia Houni is a philosophical practitioner in Finland. She is interested in spiritual exercises,…